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Made4net Cloud Services: Flexibility, Cost Savings, & Security

A cloud-based Warehouse Management System (WMS) utilizes a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model to simplify system ownership. Businesses who choose this model can access their WMS over the Internet via a web-based interface from any device at any time. This means there’s no need to purchase, install or maintain any hardware on premises which eliminates the burden of managing an IT infrastructure. Customers pay a monthly fee with flexibility to scale users and locations.

Gartner research indicates that migrating to the cloud can yield the following benefits:

  • 31% savings in capital and cash
  • 26% savings from replacing perpetual licenses with perpetual cloud subscription costs
  • 15% savings from staff reduction
  • 31% savings from elasticity (ability to turn services on and off)

*Source: Gartner

The Challenge

There’s no way around it and it’s a familiar story: Maintaining an on-premise IT infrastructure requires expertise, time and money.

First, there is the CapEx process – the approval and allocation of funds for and purchasing dedicated IT infrastructure, with all required hardware and software components. This process takes time and often involves trade-offs and compromises versus other key initiatives.

Next, your IT team must install and test all solutions, which also adds significant time and effort.

Then there is ongoing required maintenance to ensure the infrastructure’s continued operation. In addition, IT security measures must be taken constantly in order to protect your supply chain systems against vulnerabilities and breaches from the outside.

Finally, there are compliance requirements including a growing number of data security and privacy regulations that need to be implemented.

This all translate to an increased amount of risk on solution availability. In the supply chain world, the WMS is a mission critical system, and you cannot afford the risk of downtime.

Bottom line – on-premise solutions can be time-consuming, expensive and risky.

Made4net in the Cloud

Made4net offers one of the most advanced and versatile platforms that includes an all-in-one suite of warehouse, routing & proof of delivery, labor, and yard management solutions that can be individually deployed, modified or combined as needed, depending on your requirements.

Coupled with the power of our platform, a Made4net cloud services deployment will give your business tremendous advantages including:

  • No more IT infrastructure Capital Expenditure:
    • All server hardware, database/operating software, and application software needed to run the application now and in the future are included, which frees up valuable Capital Expenditure funds for other strategic initiatives.
    • Cloud/IT experts take care of the entire system for you, supported with all the tools and processes that are part the public cloud service provider.
  • Improved security:
    • Stay ahead of constantly evolving security threats with best-in-class processes and standards from a leading cloud service provider. .
    • Protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.
  • Agility to “meet the moment”:
    • Scale capacity/services within minutes, not hours or days.
  • 24 x 7 x 365 Support
  • No system downtime

What Makes Made4net in the Cloud Unique

Made4net’s cloud platform uses a single-tenant (or private cloud) architecture. This means a single software instance and its supporting infrastructure/database serves each customer independently. There is no sharing of data, as customer data is not housed in the same database.

A private cloud minimizes the risk of a breach, offers more customization capabilities, and ensures any updates or changes can be scheduled based on your needs to reduce interruption to your business functions. Unlike other cloud or SaaS solutions where new version provisioning is mandated – you control when to introduce new operational innovation, such as Made4net application software upgrades.

Made4net Cloud customers:

  • Have system access anytime, anywhere
  • Benefit from lower and more predictable costs
  • Enjoy reduced IT and maintenance costs
  • Experience rapid deployment, real-time updates, and limitless scalability

Making the switch!

Current Made4net customers using our on-premise solution can easily transition to Made4net in the Cloud. Single sites take only a few weeks to transition, all thanks to a turn-key package. Transition milestones include:

  • Upgrading to the latest version
  • Testing
  • Porting to the Cloud
  • Redirecting devices, printers, and other hardware
  • Going live

Reach out to learn how Made4net’s Private Cloud Services can help you save money and improve productivity without adding extra work to your IT department.

Learn more about the advantages of warehouse management systems here. For more information, check out our cloud vs. saas WMS comparison.