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Made4net Receives Frost & Sullivan Mid-Market WMS Award

If you’re like most mid-market companies we work with, you a need warehouse management system (WMS) that meets your functional requirements without the complexity, high cost and long implementation timelines typically attached to traditional WMS solutions. But with close to 50 vendors claiming to offer the right solution for you, the task of matching your needs to the right solution can quickly get overwhelming.

Frost & Sullivan, a leading growth strategy consulting and research firm, recognizes that the WMS needs of mid-market companies are unique. After extensive evaluation of supply chain solutions marketed towards the mid-market, the highly respected firm chose Made4net as their pick for the North American Mid-Market WMS Product Leadership Award for improving the speed and efficiency in supply chain companies around the world.

“Made4net delivers innovative and powerful software specializing in supply chain execution and allows customers to pivot quickly and seamlessly with configuration capabilities that require little customization and professional support from the vendor side,” noted Sankara Narayanan, Senior Industry Analyst. “Ease of use is another value proposition Made4net provides. The customer does not need to utilize programmers to customize the software, as the platform comes with a comprehensive set of coding-free, drag-and-drop customization tools.”

Made4net’s WarehouseExpert WMS was chosen amongst competitors based on performance in rigorous testing and proven performance with mid-market customers.

Here are just some of the reasons why Made4net made the cut as Frost & Sullivan’s choice for their WMS Product Leadership Award.

It Has Enhanced Functionality

The mid-market warehouses of a decade ago aren’t the mid-market warehouses of today. Frost & Sullivan prized a system that could go beyond the basics and provide functionality across the supply chain, even outside of the four walls of the warehouse. Made4net does just that, with both robust core WMS functions, Extended WMS capabilities and optional expansions to the system, including labor, routing, yard and Last Mile so customers can add the technology they need for convergence across their supply chain.

Made4net’s system doesn’t just provide the basic, core WMS functions. It’s expandable to meet the needs of many mid-market supply chains. Rather than a cobbled-together suite of systems built on different frameworks and patched together like many supply chain execution companies offer, Made4net’s systems are all built on a common service architecture, allowing them to communicate seamlessly and providing real-time, seamless data flow to keep operations running smoothly across the supply chain.

It’s Fast and Easy to Deploy

When mid-market companies need new technology to support growth, they don’t have a lot of time to waste. Made4net’s solutions can be deployed quickly and with minimal disruption, making them ideal for companies looking to seize the day. In fact, 85% of Made4net solutions are deployed within three to six months – far faster than the typical nine to twelve months or longer for a single site with other vendors.

Along with the easy part of deployment, Made4net’s suite is much easier on the budget than the average warehouse management system, as well, which is a huge factor for many mid-market companies. These companies often don’t have large amounts of capital to pour into technological development, but they do need the technology to be competitive in today’s market. Configurable, scalable cloud solutions like Made4net can give them the best of both worlds.

It’s Configurable to Meet Your Needs

Because many mid-market companies don’t have the budget for large IT departments, nor can they spare a huge portion of the tech talent they do have to onboard and maintain a highly complex and technical system. Made4net’s WMS and complementary systems are built to be easily configurable. Stakeholders don’t have to jump straight into back-end code to modify the system – you don’t have to be programmer to make changes to processes.

The system also comes with a customizable user dashboards that are simple to change, allowing for on-the-fly operational adjustments to improve efficiencies and user experience.

It Can Orchestrate Robotics, MHE and Labor

The past few years have been ripe with low-hanging fruit for companies willing to do what’s necessary to reach out and grab it. Many companies have turned to automation, MHE, and robotics to build smart warehouses, and they need core systems that can support those technologies.

While Made4net’s core product is their WarehouseExpert™ WMS, the company offers a full suite of supply chain execution software including yard management, billing, last-mile delivery, route optimization, and labor management, and their system is a true warehouse execution system, serving as both the bridge between and the single control tower for both robotic warehouse components and employee-driven productivity.

It’s Built for Expansion

Made4net’s solution was chosen for its overall ability to scale both vertically and horizontally. The system can easily scale for seasonality, new processes, additional lines, new customers, new warehouses, and global expansion. Made4net solutions have been deployed in over 700 companies in more than 30 countries and is available in more than 20 languages.

How Does Frost & Sullivan Choose Awardees?

When it comes to product recognition, the company focuses on two main criteria categories: product portfolio aspects and business impacts.

They break product portfolio aspects into the following attributes:

  • Match to needs
  • Reliability and quality
  • Product/service value
  • Positioning
  • Design

Business impacts are broken down into the following areas:

  • Financial performance
  • Customer acquisition
  • Operational efficiency
  • Growth potential
  • Human capital


You can find a full copy of Frost & Sullivan’s mid-market WMS report by clicking here. Wondering if Made4net is a good fit to boost your mid-market company’s growth and productivity? Reach out to the team at Made4net for a demo.