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Made4net Brings Speed-to-Pivot to the Forefront for Supply Chains

Pivot sign

The past two years have brought chaos the world over in every industry, and supply chains have dealt with an unprecedented level of disruption. Companies have been forced to adapt and thrive or remain stagnant and fail. The strategies that worked just fine pre-pandemic can’t keep up in this new world. While supply chain resilience isn’t a new concept, it’s every successful company’s bread and butter now.

That’s exactly why Made4net has undergone an extensive rebranding effort that includes a new logo, a new website, and a new tagline:

“The power of speed-to-pivot”

At Made4net, our systems are designed with adaptability and scalability in mind. Speed-to-pivot isn’t a new concept here, and in fact, it’s precisely what our system was designed for, long before the pandemic made supply chain resilience mandatory. We wanted our customers to be able to flex and grow in whatever ways work for them at any given time, and we wanted them to be able to do so without massive intervention.

Made4net CEO Duff Davidson had this to say about the rebranding and the new tagline:

“We’re excited how the new brand highlights what is unique about Made4net in a crowded WMS market. Made4net is hailed by Gartner, third-party consultants and customers of all sizes for empowering organizations to rapidly adapt to changing requirements. That’s because Made4net equips customers to pivot quickly, affordably, seamlessly, with maximum user configurability, and minimal need for additional professional services. All of which helps mitigate the risks that too often come with major software initiatives. It’s a welcome change from what WMS users are accustomed to from other systems.”

The goal of this rebranding was to provide customers and potential customers with a better look at what we do for our customers as we enter a new phase of growth. We’re a critically acclaimed leader in the supply chain solution market, and our company’s core attributes are the very same ones we offer to our customers.

We are agile, adaptable, scalable and ready to shift gears quickly – pivot – to take advantage of new opportunities.

Now, our tagline, website, messaging, and logo reflect those attributes better than ever.